Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Government layaway

Time again for a little government layaway. Didn't we just do this for Hawaii? All that we have to do to get to Japan is put our continental United States life on hold. We'll come and pick you up in 24-36 months. Hope the country doesn't go bankrupt by then and sell our things in a fire sale. I'm holding on tightly to my receipts Uncle Sam. A few notables:

  • Family and an incredible network of friends. I find the words lacking in how I will miss this everyday part of my life.
  • Weekly, who am I fooling, sometimes daily, runs to Target. At least I ranked family and friends above Target on my list of priorities, though most of my friends and I enjoy each other's company in those heavenly red and white aisles.
  • Our church. Mark and I finally agreed on one, it only took six years of marriage, one pink church, one very gay church and a one mistaken Methodist church to find you.
  • The poorly timed (how were we to know) and newly acquired travel trailer. We thought we'd use you more than twice, dreams of crabbing off a pier in Maryland, instead you get to sit, covered all nice and tight in a gated lot.
  • The minivan and truck. We can't even enjoy you now that there are no payments left, all the while you'll be depreciating like the state of our stock portfolio these last several months.
  • *Sniff, sniff* Our house.
  • Our happy red couch and most other worldly possessions

Just some of the things that we must leave behind and put on hold.


Anonymous said...

miss ya already. r u there yet. can't wait to hear about the flight