Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Product of the day - kairo pad

In the category of neat things from Japan, here is a little invention that I could use today. Maybe because I've been sick, but I'm cold. Really, truly, cold. The kind of cold where you wish you could get off the couch to adjust the heat but it is so cold you don't want to move, cold. Is it just me who that makes sense to?

I've seen little warming bags that you put in your pocket to warm your fingers in America, but nothing like this. These come in all shapes and sizes. This particular style is for your shoe.

This little cloth bag gets hot when you open the plastic wrapping. Stick it anywhere on your body, but please do so on the outside of your clothes otherwsie you might just suffer 2nd degree burns. Anything that gets hot enough to burn you is my kind of product. This heating pad - called a kairo pad, warms up to 43 degrees celcius...I'm still learning my conversions but that is about 109 degrees farhenheit. Sounds like heaven on a cold day.


SabrinaT said...

We took them with us to Tokamachi and they didn't work.. I guess you have to shake them up before you get to sub zero temperatures.